Being a mom: simple ways to begin the journey as a new mom.

Becoming a mom is often one of the most adorable yet difficult feelings a woman can experience. It is as cool as it is stressful, as colorful as it is depressing, and as cheerful as it is painful. In a nutshell, it is a phase in a woman’s life that one would often describe as bittter-sweet.

The thought of having another life taking shape inside of you as a woman is wonderful. However, effectively shouldering this burden comes with a truckload of responsibilities. It involves an adjustment in your schedule, your movements, health choices, eating habits, and even sleeping hours to suit the needs of your new bundle of joy.

For first-timers (new moms) embarking on the “mommy journey”, it’s always a lot to take in, as there is no prior experience whatsoever. Nonetheless, there’s absolutely no need to panic. Irrespective of the fact that each pregnancy is unique and possesses different traits, there are still some basic rules that could help you as a mom, get off on the right foot.

Register with a trusted hospital.

The first and most important aspect of being a mom is to register early with a government-approved and trusted health facility. It is often advised that this is done at the early stages of pregnancy and followed through till and even after your expected delivery date. This is usually encouraged because, it would help familiarize you with a medical professional that would handle and effectively monitor everything about the various developmental stages of your baby’s, formation, birth,, and growth from the first to third trimesters and beyond.

Eat healthily.

This is probably one of the hardest parts of becoming a mom, as pregnancy comes with its own set of different cravings. At this stage, it is important to be disciplined enough to gratify those desires within the confines of healthy eating. For the sake of your baby and yourself, you need more of certain nutrients during and after pregnancy and less of others. It is vital to remember that your food nutrients are circulated to the fetus through your blood at pregnancy and to your baby through your breastmilk post-pregnancy. So whenever you decide to eat something, make sure it is compliant with the recommendations of health professionals.

Read more on healthy eating 

Make out time for a little exercise.

One of the reasons most people complain of constant aches, overweight, or develop conditions like diabetes during and after pregnancy is partly due to a lack of exercise. As against the myth that certain activities like exercises are not good for pregnant women, exercise is actually one of the recommended ways to successfully see out pregnancy and remain as healthy as you should be. A little weightlifting here and there, aerobics, or even yoga would be a great way to unwind and stay fit for you and the baby. Some of the benefits could include, 

  • Maintaining a balanced weight
  • Developing body stamina to help in carrying baby, labor, and delivery
  • Reduce excess blood sugar that can lead to gestational diabetes.

Bond with your newborn.

This simply involves giving your child all the necessary attention during and after pregnancy. Most people might not realize it, but you can actually start forming bonds with your baby while it’s still in the womb. Studies show that from around 18weeks of pregnancy, the developing fetus can already pick sounds within your body, and at 25 to 27 weeks, it can hear sounds from outside its mother. Therefore, some of the best ways to bond with your baby as stated by include;

  • Talking to them so they get familiar with your voice.
  • Singing songs
  • Rubbing the belly bump in response to their kicks

Also, as a new mom, breastfeeding is also one of the most proven ways to bond with your baby. Scientifically, the process of breastfeeding is responsible for the discharge of oxytocin which also functions as the “love hormone”.

Have a medkitt as prescribed by your doctor.

As a new mom, it is important to understand that there would be “sick days” for your baby, especially within the first year. This shouldn’t make you panic, as it is a normal part of the child’s development. It is also necessary that in preparation for such days, you have a medkit handy. This should consist of the basic medication for the baby as prescribed by your pediatrician.Like I had earlier stated, being a mom is all sorts of feelings and emotions put together in one big basket. But if you at least manage to follow through with the simple recommendations, your journey should be just fine. Leave a comment in the section below or click here to book your next appointment with a specialist.