How do I maintain a great skin during and after my pregnancy

The journey of pregnancy and post pregnancy is a pretty one, but it comes with its own unique and challenging phases and changes both physically and emotionally. As a woman, you start to worry about your skin when you start to notice obvious negative changes on your skin, ranging from change in skin color, to breakouts on your face and even some parts of your body like breakouts on your chest and back, loss of hair, rashes on skin or even eczema. Some women even experience great skin changes after child birth.

Every woman’s testimony of pregnancy journey always differ, some women cannot tolerate supplements, some cannot tolerate the use of cosmetics, some cannot stand the smell of skincare products. If you are in this category and still desire to have a great skin during and after your pregnancy, this post is for you.

It is common knowledge that anytime a woman thinks about her skin or her skincare routine, her minds only thinks about her favorite skincare products stored up in her bathroom.

But did you know that the most effective skincare products a woman really needs could be in her kitchen? This statement is as true as it is…what you eat really have an effect on your skin even as an expectant mum. Let’s look at how what you eat can help you maintain a great skin during and after pregnancy.

Eating fruits and vegetables during and after pregnancy is one major way of maintaining a great skin during and after pregnancy. It is an open secret that vitamin c is an important nutrient the body needs for survival. What many women do not know is that vitamin c helps to reduce wrinkles and promote collagen production. Collagen is an essential substance for the skin and it helps keep the skin smooth and soft. Collagen also helps to strengthen the capillaries that supply blood to the skin, and this means that once blood circulation is improved, your skin complexion becomes brighter. Examples of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin c include; mango, kiwi fruits, pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, cranberries etc.

Fruits and vegetables contains antioxidants that can help protect your skin from damage. Daily, your skin is exposed to harmful things like sunlight, smoke, air pollution and its like and these can cause a lot of skin damage if you don’t pay proper attention to your skin. Adding at least five portion of Fruits and vegetables to your daily diet can help protect your skin from any form of skin damage mentioned earlier. The main function of antioxidants is to help your skin maintain that even skin tone and soft skin you desire. Blueberries, spinach, papaya, kale are very good sources to get antioxidants.

In outreach Hospital, the total wellbeing of the mother and child is of paramount importance, during our antenatal, you have the opportunity to have first hand information from our doctors. and you can ask all your questions and bring forward your concerns. Why not book an appointment today.