Menstrual Irregularities

Menstrual irregularities are problems with a girl’s normal monthly cycle. For example, girls may miss periods, have them too frequently, have painful periods, or have an excessively heavy flow.

Menstrual irregularities can sometimes be a sign of underlying health issues

Causes of Menstrual irregularities include;

● Polycystic Ovary Syndrome ( PCOS): a common hormonal disorder that can cause irregular periods.

● Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI): a common condition where the ovaries stop functioning normally; may cause a period to stop or occur normally.

● Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): infection of the reproductive organ, may cause a period to be irregular.

● Uterine fibroid: non-cancerous growths of the uterus, may cause painful periods, heavy bleeding, and bleeding in between periods.

● Endometriosis: a condition in which uterine tissues grow elsewhere in the body, may cause heavily, painful periods

● Too much Exercise

● Eating disorders

● Extreme weight loss
● Pregnancy

Symptoms of Menstrual irregularities include:

  1. Periods that are too far apart instead of once a month.
  2. Periods that are too close occurring every 2 or 3 weeks.
  3. When period doesn’t start by age 16
  4. When period stops for at least 3months and the woman is not pregnant
  5. Heavy periods or prolonged bleeding
  6. Severe menstrual cramps
  7. Fever or illness after using tampoons

Menstrual irregularities can be Diagnosed, Treated, and Cared for. It starts by getting checked.

In Outreach Hospital we care for the health of Women and Children.
Book a session with us today.